• A Buyers Agent or Buyer’s Advocate is a licensed professionals that acts on behalf of the buyer. Their role is to find the right property for their clients criteria and at the best price. They are professionals in negotiating, sourcing and acquiring property, they also assist in putting the power back into the buyers hands in the game of real-estate.

  • We have a pretty simple concept here at SJR,

    Consider that when you sell a property you use a professional to get you the best price possible and ensure your largest asset is handled professionally. So why not do this when buying property, especially an investment property? That’s where buyers advocates come in, ensuring you buy the right asset at the right price in the right location.

    Too often we see time-poor professionals spending months and months trying to purchase property. A buyer’s agent can help you recover this lost time aswel as remove the risk of overpaying which ensures your experience is cost effective and worry-free.

  • All types!!!

    Whether you’re just starting out and wanting to buy your first investment property, or your an avid property investor that would like help expanding their portfolio into other locations or strategies.

    We also specialise in helping people purchase their own home. Whether this is to purchase your dream home or simply enter the property market, we are here to help!

  • Although SJR is a Perth based company we are certainly not bound by borders. We are a data driven buyers agency and we invest in property for our clients where the numbers work best for their investing needs.

  • It all depends,

    A Buyers agents full service fee is similar in a way to a selling agents fee, it can be represented by a percentage of the purchase price or a fixed fee. It is also subject to the type of property being purchased aswel as the price it is being purchased for.

    The price a Buyers agent charges is also dependant on the value of service they provide aswel as their knowledge and experience in the industry. Get in contact with us today and book a call to find out more info on our pricing and Services.

  • Not at all,

    Congratulations on building yourself a portfolio and beginning to take control of your financial future.

    We are here to help you grow your portfolio and improve its current condition aswel as your strategy moving forward. We will also help to explain SJR’s purchasing and investing strategy and why you should consider working with us to grow your property portfolio further.

  • Not at all,

    If you already have a Mortgage Broker you are working with we will simply engage your broker to work alongside us during the purchasing period. This ensures the buying process for you, the client, is as smooth and streamlined as possible.

    If you have not engaged a Mortgage Broker, please reach out to our team and we can assist with directing you towards one of our investment savvy Mortgage Brokers.

  • We most certainly do,

    Our fantastic professional contacts can provide immense benefit for you with your next purchase. These contacts consist of realestate agents, brokers, settlement agents, quantity surveyors, solicitors and accountants. These members are professionals who have done fantastic work for us in the past and continue to do so into the future.

Didn’t see the question you were looking for, feel free to send us a message, we would love to hear from you

Start your journey with us by booking a free consultation and talking to one of our buyers advocates today!